

  • Please do not come on tours if you have been in contact with someone infected with Covid-19 in the past 14 days OR are showing symptoms of Covid-19
  • Temperature over 37.5, loss of smell or taste, cough. You can cancel with no fee OR rebook for a later date.
  • Please refrain from booking if you are over 65 years old OR have any underlying health issues that put you in a “high risk” category for Covid-19.
  • Please bring your own mask to use pre/post tour.
  • Please let us know if you are NOT comfortable being in close contact with the people you have booked with. (ie. You require physical distance among your own booked group)
  • Where possible please travel to Borderlands using private transport.


  • Our primary goal is to ensure that employees and tour guests are protected from being infected by Covid-19.
  • By complying with the measures hereafter, safe operations can commence
  • Provide the opportunity for employees and guests to RECONNECT in nature

General risk assessment

  • The activities take place outdoors, in nature.
  • The number of guests on the individual tours is typically small, usually, 2 -30 people, and can be adjusted to suit requirements.
  • Maintaining a distance of 2m can be largely guaranteed.
  • Our customers rarely belong to the older population group. Guest screening can take place during the booking process.
  • Guest details are known so tracing and contacting can be done easily.
  • Guests often come to us in groups (eg school classes, families). In this case, it may not be necessary to create distance as they are already a part of the same bubble. For example,
    a family that lives together anyway can easily share the same boat with less than 2-meter distancing.

Basic Rules

The company and managers are responsible for the selection and implementation of these protocols:

  1. All people in the company clean their hands regularly.
  2. Employees and guests keep 2m apart.
  3. Regular sanitizing of surfaces and objects according to requirements.
  4. Adequate protection of particularly vulnerable people.
  5. Send the sick home in the company and instruct them to (self-) isolate.
  6. Taking into account specific aspects of work and work situations in order to ensure protection.
  7. Informing employees and related people about the requirements and protocols.


  • All employees should wash their hands regularly with soap and water or carry out hand disinfection (e.g. on the go, outside). This especially after arriving at the workplace, before and after handling the guest equipment, before and after breaks and at the end of work.
  • Setting up hand hygiene stations: On arrival, the guests must sanitize their hands with a hand disinfectant. This applies to both receptions in buildings as well as in nature.
  • Employees should cover wounds on the fingers or wear protective gloves.

Keep your distance
Employees and guests keep a distance of 2m from one another at all times. 

• Trip participants that have already had close contact with each other can be managed together as a ‘safety pod’. A ‘safety pod’ could consist of people who live in the same household and people who know and trust each other to have been following proper social distancing and preventive hygiene. Why? It is not necessary to enforce physical distancing recommendations between participants who have already safely engaged in close contact before the trip. Participants that do not fit these criteria (or similar) should be insulated in their own ‘safety pod’. Each ‘pod’ should then be kept insulated from close contact with other ‘pods’.


  • Base
  • Regular sanitizing of the base, especially the toilet facilities and changing rooms. (including clothes baskets in changing room) — Surfaces and objects
  • Equipment such as boats, helmets, paddles, life jackets, straps clean after each use
  • Textile items wash after each use, add a suitable disinfectant.
  • Food & Drinks: Cups, glasses, dishes, and utensils should not be shared; wash everything thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Regularly wash personal equipment and clothing with a suitable detergent.
  • Clean the equipment of the guests after each use using suitable detergent.
  • If possible, only use guest equipment every 2-3 days. (allow to fully dry)
  • Do not swap equipment between guests during a tour (paddle, Life jacket, etc.), unless in same bubble
  • vehicles
  • All company vehicles must be ventilated and cleaned regularly; the latter especially on the door
    handles and the controls.

Dealing with special equipment:

  • Protective clothing (shoes, spray jackets, etc.) for guests: wash with suitable detergent after each use. — Helmets and paddles: cleaning with disinfectant after each use.
  • Life jackets, boats: Clean regularly.
  • During a tour (or a course) strict separation of the equipment of the individual guests
    eg: Everyone keeps their paddle for the whole tour etc.
  • For multi-day courses, cleaning can be done at the end of the course.
  • Equipment of the guides: Guides use their own material and clean it regularly


Max participation: 6 Pax + guide(s) per tour

  • Keep distance after process steps
    2m distance possible. Keep spacing while;
    Doing practice, going down river and in eddies, at take out.
  • Use of a company vehicle with a protective mask.
    Exceptions: When checking the equipment(each lasts few secs) or when clipping in and out of anchors >Guide looks down, guests to the side; no conversation during the few seconds of contact.
  • Avoidance of too many guests at the same waiting point.


Max participation: 1 booking group (max 5) + guide(s) per boat, Separate bubbles per boat or when mixing keep 1 compartment distance.

  • Keep distance after process steps, unless covered under Part 2, Point 6:
    Process step
    2m distance possible. Keep spacing while;
    Doing practice, going down the river and in eddies, at the take out.
  • Use of a company vehicle with a protective mask.
    The guests usually sit in small groups (partners, family) on a boat. The compliance 2m from boat to boat
    and thus among themselves.
    Exceptions: When checking the life jackets (each lasts a few secs) or when staying several boats in tighter sections on the river. — Equipment check: Guide looks down, guests to the side; no conversation during the few seconds of contact.
  • Avoidance of too many guests in the same eddy.